For example you have 5 websites with similar templates and standard sets of banners - four 300x250 banners in the footer and two 300x250 NTV banners.
And you want to work with 3 Ad networks: Exolick, Adsterra and HilltopAds. It's implying that you've already linked these networks.
If not, please follow our guide on how to link ad networks.
NB! You have to create 6 ad zones in each Ad network (1 for each type of spots) before first step.
Enter all your sites and choose spots to add: ntv_1, ntv_2, footer_1, footer_2, footer_3, footer_4 and click 'Add' button:
Step 1: Import ad zones from ad networks to AdSpyglass:
Once you've added your sites, you will be redirected to the tab "ad campaigns". Here you will get 8 campaigns (their names will be similar to the spots' names).
The next step is to import ad zones via the mass import page or just click the 'Import creatives from Ad Networks' button. Drag and drop ad zones from the left panel to the right one into the relevant campaign.
Step 2.1: Add a creative of ad networks that don't support auto-link:
Press on the button "add creative" on your campaign.
Add ad network banner code as on example below
Ad Network – select ad network from the list
Name – define name of the creative
Zone ID – identifier for creative in selected ad network
Import From ad network – import creative settings. A popup dialog will display list of available zones. Select the one and all fields will be filled automatically.
Code – creative code provided by an ad network
After that, the look of campaigns section should be similar this picture:
Step 3: Insert AdSpyglass codes to your websites template:
Go to "websites" and click on the button "get codes" and take your code
After codes have been placed you should see Current Activity on Dashboard
If you have any problem with setting banners up contact our support on chat.