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AdSupply manual
Sevak avatar
Written by Sevak
Updated over a week ago

If you are new to AdSupply, this 12 step guide will show you how to set up an account on AdSupply ad network: registration, adding websites, domain's verification, zones, and backurl setup.

  1. If you don’t have an account, register it in ad network AdSupply.

2. Create a new site.

3. Copy all settings as in the example below. Only in ‘Frequency Caps’ choose what you want.

4. In AdSupply webmaster panel in section ‘Manage API keys’ copy ‘Report Export URL’ and ‘API key’.

5. In AdSpyglass webmaster panel copied Report export URL и APIKey.

6. You should add your websites in AdSpyglass webmaster panel, if you haven’t added them yet.

7. You should already have one campaign in AdSpyglass webmaster panel in section ‘Campaigns’:
pu_all – without any filters.

8. In AdSupply webmaster panel copy site ID and code OR copy site ID and request for the direct link for your AdSupply personal manager.

Popunder code.

9. Make the creative for this campaign.

10. Insert Zone ID and the direct link in the creative.

11. Add spots codes to website

1) Click ‘Get codes’ button for your site.

2) Select the spots you want to add.

Below you will see the codes. It works with all devices and let you make custom settings for frequency of creative capping by day.

Warning! Make sure that you have removed old popunder codes from your website! Codes from ad networks will conflict with AdSpyglass code.

3) Insert the code in <body> section of your webpage the higher the better. If you want to use your own popunder script, take a direct link below form.

4) Repeat steps from 1 to 3 for each of yours sites.

12. If everything was done correctly you will see ‘current activity’ on your ‘Dashboards’ section.

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