1. If you don’t have an account, register it in ad network TrafficShop.
2. Add your site.
3. Add your code and ID in TrafficShop webmaster panel. But for AdSpyglass system it’s preferable to work with the direct link. To get it make a request from your TrafficShop support manager, tell him that you work with AdSpyglass, and they will add the direct link for you.
4. Copy API key in TrafficShop webmaster panel here:
5. Add your login and API Key in AdSpyglass webmaster panel.
6. You should add your websites in AdSpyglass webmaster panel, if you haven’t added them yet.
7. You should already have one campaign ‘pu_TS’ in AdSpyglass webmaster panel in section ‘Campaigns’ included filters like these:
8. After that in section ‘Campaigns’ press the button ‘Import creatives from Ad Networks’ and add creatives (‘Ad zone’) to your campaign.
9. You should choose these check-boxes in creative setup:
10. In TrafficShop.com your backurl is created automatically.
To create Banners make following steps:
2.1. Create ‘Channel’.
2.2. Add alternative banner code in case of TrafficShop wouldn’t have ads for this GEO.
2.3. Create ‘Tags’. We usually use Exoclick as an alternative (because Exoclick always has 100% fill rate).
So before adding Exoclick network you need to create a special banner in Exoclick and add it in the special campaign in AdSpyglass system to see complete statistic.
2.3.1 Create a banner in Exoclick.
2.3.2. Choose parameters.
2.3.3. You should add your websites in AdSpyglass webmaster panel, if you haven’t added them yet.
2.3.4. Create a campaign in AdSpyglass system and add Exoclick creative here.
2.3.5. Insert Exoclick code (as in the example below) in ‘Code’ section in AdSpyglass.
2.4. After that in section ‘Campaigns’ in AdSpyglass webmaster panel press the button ‘Import creatives from Ad Networks’ and add creatives (‘Ad zones’) to your banner campaigns.
P.S. Please, follow the Guide in AdSpyglass webmaster panel. Here you can always find step-by-step personal recommendations for successful setup of your ASG account.