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Popcash manual
Sevak avatar
Written by Sevak
Updated over a week ago
  1. If you don’t have an account, register it in ad network Popcash.

2. Add your website.

Enter your Domain, select Category and Ads allowance and press "Submit Website"

3. You will receive an approvement by email.

4. Get your API key.

Go to "Account settings" and select "API keys"

After that, select "Generate API Key"

Enter your name and choose all "Allowed Actions" and press "Create API key"

Copy your API key

5. Add login and API key in AdSpyglass webmaster panel.

6. You should add your websites in AdSpyglass webmaster panel, if you haven’t added them yet.

7. You should already have one campaign in AdSpyglass webmaster panel in section ‘Campaigns’: pu_all.

7. After that in section ‘Campaigns’ press the button ‘Import creatives from Ad Networks’ and add creatives (‘Ad zone’) to your campaign.

P.S. Please, follow the Guide in AdSpyglass webmaster panel. Here you can always find step-by-step personal recommendations for successful setup of your ASG account.

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