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PopMyAds manual

How to link PopMyAds account to AdSpyglass and import creatives guide

Sevak avatar
Written by Sevak
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: To link your PopMyAds account to AdSpyglass, open the "Ad Networks" tab. Then click the "Link" button:

Step 2: You can find your API Key here:

Step 3: PopMyAds supports Popunder, Interstitial and Direct Link ads at the moment.

Once your site will be approved, please get in touch with your Support Manager from PopMyAds.

They will verify your account to generate the link that is needed to be imported to your AdSpyglass account. Once done, you can auto-import it within Creative settings on our side:

Please feel free to reach out to our Support Team via Live Chat to get additional assistance if you face any difficulties.

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