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How to import popunder ads from Clickadu
How to import popunder ads from Clickadu

Request link URL for popunder from Clickadu

Sevak avatar
Written by Sevak
Updated over a week ago

Clickadu doesn't support auto import, moreover, you have to request a direct link URL from Clickadu account manager. You can find email and skype in clickadu publishers panel at the top-right corner:

Ask your account manager to activate and give you a direct link for each of your websites.

Clickadu might not buy all the traffic so we recommend setting a fallback URL.
Ask your Clickadu account manager to add Adspyglass back URL. Copy it from Ad networks page (scroll down to the footer):

Clickadu account manager will give you Link URLs for all your sites and zone_ids.
Insert them to Adspyglass creative settings:

Set Frequency Capping to 1:24 (86400 sec).

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