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Mass-import feature

How to use a mass-import feature in AdSpyglass.

Sevak avatar
Written by Sevak
Updated over a week ago

The mass-import feature allows you to import creatives from the ad networks automatically by just dragging and dropping zones from the left table (Brokers, domains, and zones) to the right one (Campaigns and creatives). To use this feature, navigate to the My Campaigns tab, and click on the "Import creatives from Ad Networks" blue button.

Inside you will find two tables.

  1. Brokers, domains, and zones - List of your linked ad networks accounts and available ad zones that you can import to your ad campaigns.

  2. Campaigns and creatives - List of your ad campaigns that should be filled with creatives.

To get creative from the left tablet to the right one, just drag and drop the needed zone into a required campaign. For example: if you want to add a new popunder zone to your popunder campaign, then you need to find networks where you created this zone prior and drag it to the popunder campaign that you have already created.


If the ad network that you linked to us doesn't appear in the list of brokers, this means that this network doesn't support an auto-import feature, and creatives from this network should be added manually.

We hope that this information was helpful to you.
Let us know if you need additional information in the support chat.

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