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How to set up an Ad Spot?
How to set up an Ad Spot?

Spot settings for a better performance

Sevak avatar
Written by Sevak
Updated over a week ago

When it comes to the effectiveness of the ads, your ad spot settings are an essential tool. The ad spot is the place where the ads will be rotated, after all.

We aim to give you complete control over all your ads. This is why there’s so much flexibility and customization options in all the AdSpyglass settings, including the ad spot settings.

Where to find the ad spot setup

To create an ad spot go to the My Websites section in your dashboard.

If you do not have any websites added yet, first click the Add website button.

Choose your website(s) stream, add the domain(s), and choose the spots you want to create. The spots differ by the ad type you will be using in them.

This way, you’ll automatically create ad spots when you add your websites to the platform.

If you already have a website added and want to create a new spot for it, click the Add Spot button.

The menu

For clearer navigation, we’ve divided all the spot settings into three thematic sections:

  • General settings.

  • Marketplace.

  • Ad configs.

Please note - when you create a new spot, you first get only two sections - General Settings and Marketplace. Ad Configs section is added when you start editing the new spot.

Let’s take a closer look at each menu section.

General settings

These settings specify the behavior of all the ads in the rotation in the new spot you are creating. The options included here are the same for most ad types, except for the Popunder and Banner. These ad types have aspects that other types don’t. Naturally, those aspects are reflected in the settings.

Let’s start with the general settings every ad type has:

  • Test percentage. This is the percentage of your traffic used to determine the networks’ actual purchase price. If your traffic volumes are large or medium, we recommend setting this value to 3-10%. For low traffic volumes - 15-20%.

  • Onloop. Your creatives will be shown in a loop if you tick this on. This is a great feature for banners. But we recommend turning it off for popunders.

  • Min CPM. AdSpyglass won’t allow showing ads with a CPM lower than this value.

The following two options are unique to the Popunder.

  • Frequency Capping. Here you can set your ads to be shown at specific time intervals. 1 in 24 hours, 1 in 12 hours, etc. You can also set it to None, and the ads will be shown without any timing limitations.

  • Sub-frequency capping. This option allows for even more flexibility. Here you can set the number of ads shown within a time interval.

And for the Banner, you’ll need to select the size of the banner ads you work with.

AdSpyglass supports these sizes: 120x90, 120x240, 120x600, 125x125, 140x140, 150x150, 160x120, 160x600, 180x135, 180x150, 190x140, 234x60, 240x200, 250x250, 300x50, 300x100, 300x150, 300x250, 300x300, 300x600, 314x90, 336x280, 468x60, 500x100, 500x300, 660x150, 728x90, 900x150, 900x250, 960x250, 990x150, 990x700, and Adaptive.

Marketplace settings

This menu section allows you to set up the ads your rotation will receive from the AdSpyglass Marketplace. Here you can manually set up to your liking the ads you get from the Marketplace overall and from Traforama in particular.

Allow aggressive offers

If you switch this option on, you will get the maximum monetization. But we must caution you on using this option. Aggressive ads are quite risky.

With this feature on, you will get aggressive offers from the Traforama advertisers and from all the outside demand partners on the Marketplace.

By aggressive offers AdSpyglass platform understands:

  • AdBlock blacklist

  • Fake flash player

  • Subscriptions

  • Sweepstakes

  • VPN

  • Installs

  • Youtube

Vertical Settings

In the spirit of giving you complete control over your ads, we added this feature to let you block the specific verticals you don’t like. Please note - these particular settings work only for the offers from Traforama for now.

Dating. Ads of mainstream and adult dating apps and offers.

Adult. Ads of adult content except for free tubes, cams, and games. Pages with paid adult content, adult community websites, and escort.

E-commerce. Ads of any online store websites, including sex shops.

Nutra. Ads of supplements, creams, sprays, men’s health stuff, etc.

Gaming. Ads of adult-themed and mainstream games.

Vouchers and sweepstakes. Ads of sales promotions, prizes, vouchers, etc.

Gambling. Ads of gambling websites, casinos, poker, and slots.

Betting. Ads for sports bets, election results, etc.

Education. Ads of educational resources, courses, life coaching, etc.

Webcams. Ads of paid webcam models.

Utilities (Antivirus, VPN). Any extensions, software, and services for PC and mobile, including antiviruses, cleaners, and VPNs.

Forex/Business. Ads of anything related to business, Forex, and investments.

Push Notifications. Ads of pages created solely to gather signups to push notifications.

Crypto. Ads for crypto-related resources and crypto exchanges.

Free Tube. Ads of free adult content.

Smartlink. Advertisers serve multiple ads within one creative.

Other Offers. Ads of everything else.

We care about your website’s safety and reputation, so besides the specified verticals, you can be sure that we do not allow, under any circumstances, the following types of advertising: Locker, Malware by antiviruses, Malware/Phishing by Google, Fake tech support, Cloaked ads, and suspicious URLs.

Info For Advertisers

In this block, you can specify the spot’s info for the direct advertisers at Traforama Marketplace. This feature is essential to get more direct ads in your spots. We do our best to promote your websites to the direct advertisers on Traforama, and they are quite demanding when it comes to the publishing spots. So the more details you provide in this block, the better your chances of being noticed by the direct advertisers.

This is how the advertisers will see your website on the Traforama Marketplace:

For every ad type, except the Banner and in-Video, you only need to select the execution page and add a comment for the advertisers.

For the Banner ads, you’ll need to specify the ad’s position, appearance, and the type of Banner as well.

And for the In-Video format, you’ll need to specify the player size and whether it is a VPAID.

Ad configs for each ad type

In this section, you will set up the placement for advertising. These settings have different parameters for different ad types. Basically, every specific aspect of every ad type is accounted for in these settings.

To start setting up the Ad configs, you need to select the spot you’ve just created and click the edit button:

These settings are divided into two sections:

Targeted configs

This section allows setting up different configs for different Device/Browser/Country combinations. If several configs match the current visitor, the one higher on the list will be applied.

To set this up, create a targeting combination first. Select Device, Browser, and the Countries you want to target.

The SubIDs variable allows dividing traffic by the sources. So if you buy traffic from different sources, you can add the SubID of a source to the ad code. For example, you buy traffic from, adding to the SubIDs line will allow you to set specific ad behavior for the users who come from

When you are done with the targeting combo, you need to set up the ad configs for it. The variables here are the same as in the default section and vary from ad format to ad format. We will look at them in detail below.

To create another targeting combination and set up ad configs for it click the Add button:

Default config

The platform will use these settings if no suitable targeted config is found for the current Device/Browser/Country combination.

Now let’s take a closer look at each ad format and its default ad configs.


Not sure if banners can be profitable enough to bother with them? Here’s a good article with everything our experts know about banners and how to make them really profitable.

Banner is a pretty straightforward ad type; no additional settings are required. So there’s no Ad configs section for it.


Bind to - Specify the zone where the user will have to click for the pop ad to appear by indicating the CSS selectors to bind the pop to. By default, the ad will be triggered if the user clicks anywhere on the page.

Ignore to - Here, you can specify clicking on which elements will not trigger the ad.

Popunder kind - Select what kind of pop this ad spot will be. There are four types of pop ads: Popunder, Popup, Tabunder, and Tabup. They differ by the way the pop opens. Popunder and Tabunder open behind the active browser window, but Tabunder opens in a new tab. And Popup and Tabup open above the active browser window, Tabup being opened in a new tab.

Pop kinds for specific elements - Add a different kind of pop for different elements on your page:

Skip first N clicks - Specify the number of clicks before the pop ad appears.

Delay - Set the time (in seconds) to delay the appearance of the ad after the page is loaded.

Multiple popunders - this feature allows adding several pop ads with different timings between them. By default, the time between two consecutive pop ads for a visitor is set by the Frequency Capping setting in the General settings section.

Finally, there are these three toggles in this section:

  1. Check this if you want the visitors to see the next portion of popunders only after navigating the page if the Global Frequency Capping expires.

  2. Want a particular ad to be triggered before any other when the users click matching elements? Check this option on then.

  3. This will allow you to see which creative has just been shown in the Tabunder.


Like the Banner type, IM is a straightforward format that does not require additional ad configs.


Attach to - specify the element to attach the ad to.

Autoplay - by default the In-video is set to autoplay. You can switch that off here.

Autoplay Delay - you can have the autoplay delayed. Just select the number of seconds you want it delayed for.

Skip button text - will be displayed on the countdown during an ad.

Close button text - this text will be displayed after the countdown when the user can skip to the main video.

Disable preload ads - disable or enable preload ads.

Muted - run the ad on muted.

Verbosity - this variable allows to display errors, warnings, and other info in your console.

Ad cancel timeout - if you want to timeout ad cancellation specify the time here, this one is in milliseconds.

Callbacks - allows to add a script before or after the ad.

Skip Offset (sec) - set the period after which the user will be able to skip the ad.

Ads series - show continuously a selected number of creatives during one ad launch.

Enable VPAID - VPAID allows the advertiser to execute JavaScript on your site, so be careful with this option, it can be very buggy.

Pause on click - allows the user to pause the ad by clicking on it.

Non-obtrusive overlay - with this function on, the elements within the container you are attaching the spot to will remain clickable. The ad will run when the user starts the player.


Slider position - select the position from which the ad will slide from (bottom left or bottom right)

Autoplay - switch the autoplay on or off.

Autoplay Delay - the number of seconds to delay the autoplay if you have it on.

Skip button text - will be displayed on the countdown during an ad.

Close button text - this text will be displayed after the countdown when the user can skip to the main video.

Disable preload ads - disable or enable preload ads.

Muted - run the ad on muted.

Verbosity - this variable allows you to display errors, warnings, and other info in your console.

Ad cancel timeout - if you want to timeout ad cancellation specify the time here, this one is in milliseconds.

Callbacks - allows to add a script before or after the ad.

Sizes - set up the width and height of your slider ads for mobile and desktop.

Skip Offset (sec) - set the period after which the user will be able to skip the ad.

Close at bottom - will hide the slider when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page.

Enable VPAID - VPAID allows the advertiser to execute JavaScript on your site, so be careful with this option, it can be very buggy.

Pause on click - allows the user to pause the ad by clicking on it.

Stop on finish - if you check this, the slider will stop on the finish of the ad and will remain visible until the user closes it manually.


Interstitial kind - select none if you want to set up Interstitial only with the targeted configs.

Bind to - specify the CCS selectors of the links that will trigger the ad. By default, clicking any link will trigger the ad.

Ignore to - specify the links clicking which will not trigger the ad.

Countdown - select the number of seconds before the user is redirected to the clicked link.

Title - will be shown above the Interstitial.

Close button text - close button text for large screens.

Small button text - close button text for small screens.

Skip first N clicks - select the number of clicks to be skipped before the ad is triggered.

Response timeout - select the number of seconds to wait for the response from ad networks before autoclosing the ad.

Expected event - select the event to show the ad after.

Delay - the number of seconds before the ad can be opened after the page loads. Combined with the pageLoad Expected event, the ad will appear without a click after this delay ends.

Preload interstitial - check this if you want the Interstitial content from the ad network to be loaded immediately upon page load. The ad will open only after it’s fully loaded.

Trigger this ad before other ads - check this if you want the Interstitial to be shown before other ads that can be triggered with matching elements.

Callbacks - allows to add a script before or after the ad.

In-page Push

Push position - specify in which part of the user’s screen the push will appear.

Horizontal offset - select the number of pixels to offset the ad horizontally.

Vertical offset - select the number of pixels to offset the ad vertically.

Custom HTML template - add your own template.

Delay - delay the push by the selected number of seconds.

Multiple pushes - this feature allows adding several push ads with different timings between them. By default, the time between two consecutive push ads for a visitor is set by the Frequency Capping setting in the General settings section.


Position - you can either specify the SCC selector to show the ad after or let the ad be displayed at the position of the script embedding it.

Width - CSS width for the Outstream video, by default, this is set to 100%.

Max height - set the maximum height of your Outstream video in pixels or % of the screen height.

Template - provide your own HTML template to insert the ad into.

Disable autoscroll - by default, the Outstream is autoscrolled to the top of the page when it first comes into view. Check this option if you’d prefer this behavior disabled.

Disable preload ads - disable or enable preload ads.

Muted - run the ad on muted.

Verbosity - this variable allows to display errors, warnings, and other info in your console.

Ad cancel timeout - if you want to timeout ad cancellation specify the time here, this one is in milliseconds.

Callbacks - allows to add a script before or after the ad.

Enable VPAID - VPAID allows the advertiser to execute JavaScript on your site, so be careful with this option, it can be very buggy.

Pause on click - allows the user to pause the ad by clicking on it.

Hide on finish - if you check this, the Outstream will automatically close on the finish of the ad. If not checked, the last frame of the ad will remain visible, and the user will be able to click it.

Need help setting up your ad spots? Contact us via live chat or email support. We are happy to help with any questions or concerns!

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