A curated list of the most commonly asked questions by AdSpyglass customers
Why my ads don't work?
Why popunder may not work?
Block traffic by source
How to show one Ad Network always at the first position
What is AdSpyglass?
What Ad Networks do you work with?
How do you get Ad Networks’ CPM rates?
How to get payouts?
Does this mean that 10% of the ads shown on my website will be your own ads?
Are there any other options to work with AdSpyglass?
Do you have limitations regarding the minimum traffic per day?
Do you work with AdSense?
How to add a new Ad Network?
Why should I link 1+ Ad Network account?
Can you advise me on the best Ad Networks?
How to create a Campaign manually?
How to import a Creative?
How to add Banner to AdSpyglass?
I have more than 100 sites. Do you have a tool for mass-import?
How do I add my own Advertiser?
How do I create Ad Zones within Ad Networks? How many Ad Zones should I create? / What do these mean: ‘pu_desk, pu_mob, pu_ios, pu_cell, pu_android and pu_mac’?
Can I use single Ad Tag for all domains?
Can I place mobile ads with GEO targeting?
Do you have a 770x76 Banner? I cannot find it.
Does Anti AdBlock work only for Popunder?